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Nutrition plays a huge part in any health and fitness programme. 

While most trainers say they specialise in weight loss, there is a tendency to give clients diet programmes and meal plans.  Now, unless they have a degree in nutrition or as a dietitian, they’re really not qualified to do this.


Nutrition is more important than the exercise in any weight loss programme and most performance programmes.  I don’t specialise in weight loss as this shouldn’t be a specialist subject to any trainer, it will be a bi-product of any well developed and managed programme.


So, what is my approach to nutrition then? 

Working with Precision Nutrition (an internationally renowned sports nutrition company that works with the NHL, NFL teams and numerous other high profile sports teams and professionals), I will teach you the strategies, 1 step at a time, so that you can become proficient in managing your own nutrition. 

There will be no meal plans but advice, guidance and handouts with all the information you need to learn what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it, that’s best for you. 

I will provide a programme and ongoing coaching.



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